“Ten Bands/Musical Artistes Whom I Will be Forced to Listen to in HELL!” By Tom Kipp and Jay Schuschke

TK, I ran across this piece by Sean Beaudoin at Salon.com. It’s a list of the bands he will be forced to listen to in hell: http://www.salon.com/2012/07/11/the_ten_bands_i_will_be_forced_to_listen_to_in_hell_salpart/ Top ten lists are nothing new—but there was something a little different about this one. Beaudoin just seems to center on the bands/artists he despises the most from …

Save a Child By Bella Taylor

It is estimated that there are roughly six million children abused in the United States every year. These statistics become more staggering when you consider that five children a day die in abuse-related deaths. Approximately 80 percent of child abuse deaths are children younger than four years old, but there is something you can do …