A lavish, engrossing, engorging, bittersweet, retrosexual dress up drama

This is the story that keeps on giving. If we concentrate on KP and Elmo long enough, we won’t have to think about upcoming elections, insane religious wars, the second great depression, Brett Favre…

A children’s themed Katy Perry video, recorded with Elmo, was struck from scheduled Sesame Street airing recently because it showed too much cleavage and outraged parents complained. In response, the Fox cartoon, The Simpsons, will burlesque the overpublicized ruckus in a December episode in which Perry will appear in a live action sequence as herself and cartoon characters from The Simpsons will appear as Simpsons’ character-shaped, Muppetlike puppets. In the course of the episode, Simpsons’ bartender, Moe Szyslak, will attempt to woo the adventurous young pop tart. Full Story is here.

The following song and video, for Perry’s “Thinking of You,” is appropo of nothing, but commands viewer attention as a lavish, engrossing, engorging, bittersweet, retrosexual dress up drama, so here it is anyway:
