It’s no secret that I used to consider "John in the Morning" [aka John Richards], KEXP’s vastly overpaid, morning drive time "Star" DJ, an absolute dweeb. Possibly a nice enough guy, but still….
However, after old pal o’ Husker Du Kevin Cole came over from Minneapolis to re-program the station a few years back, it became clear that Mr. Cole was intensely mentoring "Spokane’s Boy Wonder" in The Punk & Postpunk Arts, to such an extent that JR now frequently plays sets like the one below, without any prompting whatever from his "Obi-Wan".
Personally, I say ANY source of The Good Music is to be saluted, no matter from whence it comes, or how late the date!
This set took place while I was in the shower and brushing my teeth on Thursday morn, and jumpstarted the day quite nicely.
In reverse order….
John in the Morning says. . .
The first single from this English band’s fourth studio album.
Generals and Majors
Black Sea
Released: 1980
·John in the Morning says. . .
Playing the Crocodile on Mar. 3rd, with Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr.
Tapes ‘n Tapes
One in the World
Released: 2011
(Ibid Records)
·…air break…
·John in the Morning says. . .
Playing Showbox at the Market on Feb. 16th, with Hollerado.
Gang of Four
You Don’t Have to Be Mad
Released: 2011
(Grönland Records)
Big Black
The Rich Man’s Eight Track Tape
Released: 1987
(Touch & Go)
·John in the Morning says. . .
From Denver, Colorado. Rare Forms is out now! Watch the video:
Rare Forms
Released: 2011
·…air break…
·John in the Morning says. . .
From the band’s 1980 debut album. Bauhaus is generally considered one of the first gothic rock groups.
In The Flat Field
In The Flat Field
Released: 1980
·John in the Morning says. . .
From the band’s 12th studio album, whcih was released last month. Stay tuned for 2011 tour dates:
Red Barked Tree
Released: 2011
(Pink Flag)
·…air break…
·John in the Morning says. . .
Championed by John Peel as his all-time favorite song.
The Undertones
Teenage Kicks
The Undertones
Released: 1978
(Good Vibrations)
John in the Morning says. . .
Before The Voidoids, frontman Richard Hell was a member of the Neon Boys, Television, and the Heartbreakers.
Richard Hell & The Voidoids
Blank Generation
Blank Generation
Released: 1977
·John in the Morning says. . .
This track and the song “1969” were relelased as singles from their debut album.
The Stooges
I Wanna Be Your Dog
The Stooges
Released: 1969

Those first four tracks [8:02 to 8:16am] are quite a "realtime" parlay, in fact it’s difficult to imagine how one might plausibly improve upon them, given the rigidities of even "non-commercial" radio!
And don’t ever forget, this is the very station that banned "dissonant" music during daylight hours in the mid-’90s, and [an even more unforgivable sin] played The Squirrel Nut Zippers incessantly for years! LOL
Anyhow, when credit is due, I do try to bestow it, especially when a formerly-remedial "student" gets wit’ duh program….
Postpunk to the grave,
– Tom Kipp
P.S. For those stuck in offices, streaming KEXP ain’t a bad way to go.