CNBLUE – LOVE GIRL, By Rich Horton

Just when you didn’t think it was possible to do an even more wholesome version of the 1980’s A-Ha “Take on Me” bubblegum video from the early days of MTV, here comes C.N. Blue’s impossibly catchy and wholesome-to-a-fault “Love Girl.” Now, as a somewhat cynical guy who’s been around the block a few times, I understand that this fun, innocent, catchy, good-natured, and less-than-cynical video/song — which are all the attributes you want for bubblegum music — was probably the cynical creation of the record company’s marketing department in their ploy to garner the tween-to-teen girl market. By the same token, if I were the father of a young girl, I’d be more than happy if C.N. Blue was on her IPod playlist, realizing, of course, that she also has easy access to my entire record library as a counterweight.

– The Pallid Pilgrim, Rich Horton
