I’m trying like mad to work out why I am sooooo convinced by FOE. There is definitely both art and artifice in whatever she does – the first single wrapped in recycled wrapping, and the brilliant theatrics of the Tyrant Song video. But there’s hugely more quality than gimmick. It’s all a bit unsettling and cracked, like creeping into a fairground at night and getting locked in the hall of mirrors. And she delivers it like some sort of adult-that-is-still-a-kid wiv that loose accent thing, over beats with more crunch than frozen carrots
This is where I SHOULD be showing you her new video for Deep Water Heartbreaker, but it’s not available in the US yet. Here is the link in case it’s available where you are:
…..and here it is on Soundcloud, just in case
Deep Water Heartbreaker by FOE