I landed and meandered from the plane. Keith and I spotted each other and ran to each other’s arms.
“I hope we’re never separated again like that,” Keith said when he finally let go.
“I promise I’ll part the Red Sea to go to Roskilde next time,” I said.
“You might get your wish. The promoters asked us back next year. I can’t promise Elvis Costello will be there.”
“I’ll be happy even if The Piss Ants are the only band I like,” I professed.
We were soon zipping through the narrow London streets, dodging double-decker buses and taxis resembling black bubbles before coming to a halt in front of the red brick building with white-framed bay windows. It felt good to be back. We parked the car and I wasted no time in rushing into the flat, dropping my things by the door, and calling Aimee. Keith sat next to me on the sofa. When Aimee answered, he kissed my neck. I tried moving away. “Hi, Aimee. I’m back. Keith met me and I’m spending the night here.”
“Is everything okay with you two, then?”
“Everything’s magnifique. Meet me after work tomorrow and I’ll fill you in.”
Keith stuck his hands inside my blouse so I ended my conversation, grabbed a pillow and whacked him. “You are a twit.”
He pushed me onto the sofa and kissed me more. “I’d love to continue, but I have a band meeting in an hour.”
I hit him with the pillow again. “Why did you try and start something, then? Let me call my parents.”
My mother answered and immediately began grilling me. “Are you at your place so if I call later, you’ll be there?”
“I’m going out with Aimee. I can ring you in the morning before work.”
“Are you with Aimee or Keith?”
“I won’t break up with Keith, and you don’t need to know where I am every second.”
“I do not like you spending all your time with Keith. And I should have asked this before, but are you two sleeping together?”
I felt myself blush. “Mama, I’m not answering that.”
“What if you get pregnant?”
“That will NOT happen!”
“I don’t want you in any trouble. I will call daily to make sure you are home and not spending the night with Keith. I do not trust your judgment now. If you want to stay in London, this is how it will be.”
I hung up. “She’s going to call me morning and night to make sure I’m not with you. I have to be home.”
Keith looked exasperated. “Spend the night here. I’ll have you at your place at eight.”
He wrapped me in his arms. “We’ll find ways to be together.”
Later at Ryan’s, I was glad to have a heart to heart with Louisa. I told her the whole story of my visit to Brittany.
Louisa poured me a cup of tea. “I can’t blame them. I also would like to see you finish school before you two get more involved.”
I sighed. “I wish I was eighteen. Then I won’t have to answer to anyone.”
Louisa laughed. “Be careful what you wish for, luv.
“Keith’s trust fund should hold out.”
“He’s living in the high rent district. Plus he’s pouring money into this band. Ryan says they were short several hundred pounds for recording. His father always paid his expenses before. I love that you two are so happy, but you aren’t ready to face the world.”
I left disappointed. I hoped Louisa would agree my parents were unreasonable.
Due to my work schedule, I couldn’t go to all Keith’s shows. Keith was frustrated and still couldn’t understand my job was important. It was a constant source of arguing between us all summer. Our hectic schedules made it hard to find time for us.
My mother called every day and insisted on knowing my work schedule so she knew when to call.
Keith and I had to get creative because my mother always called at night to check on me. Aimee covered for me and called me at Keith’s to let me know. This resulted in Keith whisking me to my place so I could be there when she called back. My stress level was at an all-time high.
My job ended mid August, leaving ample time to attend Keith’s shows. I told my parents I wanted to attend seminars at the academy so couldn’t visit.
One warm evening, Keith returned from a band meeting with exciting news.
“Guess where our end of summer gig will be?”
Chapter Eleven
“I don’t know –- Paris? Oh, say you’re playing Paris.”
Keith chuckled. “No, sorry. It’s Liverpool.”
I couldn’t contain my excitement. “The Beatles’ Liverpool?”
He laughed again. “There’s only one Liverpool.”
“I’ve wanted to see Liverpool.”
“Not only that, Ryan got us two nights at The Cavern Club.”
Where the Beatles started?”
“The one and only. This place is a replica. The original was torn down.”
I could only repeat, “Oh my gosh!” over and over. “When is this show?”
“In a week exactly. It’s short notice, but it’s not like you have that bloody job now.”
The reality hit me. “My Mother calls every day, often twice.”
“Shit, I forgot. We’ll think of something. Maybe some artist’s thing’s happening there. Liverpool’s full of art schools. We’ll make this work.” He shot me a naughty look before breaking into a mischievous grin.
When we got to my place, Aimee was on the phone. “Oh, here she is now. She was in the toilet down the hall.” Aimee quickly handed me the phone.
“Yes, Mama, I’m here. Are you happy? Now I’m tired and going to bed.”
“I am glad you are there. I thought Aimee might be covering for you.”
“I was in the toilet. I won’t wet myself waiting for your call.”
“You will not take that tone. I will check on you journellement for as long as it takes. Get used to it.”
“I won’t get used to it. I’m going to bed. I’m getting up early to get together with some girls from the academy.” I had a sudden idea. “In fact, we want to go to Liverpool next week. There’s an exhibition at The Walker Gallery. If we chip in with expenses, we can stay a couple days.”
Keith gave me a thumbs-up.
“Liverpool? You can’t afford to go to Liverpool. We can’t send more money until next term. We hoped you’d come down with Aimee next week.”
“I would have, but this opportunity came. Liverpool has art galleries galore and I could never afford this on my own.”
“Who are these girls?”
I thought fast. “Lily and Emma, my co-workers. I have a student rail pass, and we’ll pack food to eat on the way, so we only have to worry about eating while there.”
“Prove you are going with these girls and not Keith.”
I thought fast. “I won’t give you their numbers. You’ll embarrass me.”
“If you want to go, you will.”
“All right,” I conceded. “I’ll see them tomorrow and tell them you’ll call.”
“I have strong reservations about this. I may call the gift shop to talk to these girls.”
“Fine. I’ll be in touch tomorrow.” Before she could say more, I hung up.
“Brilliant,” Keith said. “We’re off to Liverpool.”
“Don’t congratulate me. She wants to call Lily and Emma. I hope they’ll play along.”
“What’s all this about Liverpool?” Aimee asked.
I explained everything.
She looked disappointed. “Now I wished I hadn’t promised to visit my parents. I’d love to see Liverpool.”
“Change your plans,” I said. “We’ll find a way for you to come. Then my parents would be convinced we were on some all girl holiday.”
“It’s tempting, but it’s my only opportunity to go down until Christmas.”
“We have to get creative is all,” Keith said.
Every morning Keith and I dragged ourselves from bed to get to my place before the morning call from my mother.
“This is a bloody nuisance,” Keith grumbled, lighting a cigarette.
“There’s no other way. Now hurry. If Aimee covers for me again, my mother will get suspicious.”
I threw on a sun frock and ran a brush through my thick auburn curls.
We finally zoomed off to the bedsit and I ran up the stairs and burst into the room. Aimee was up and dressed. It was her last day of work.
“The phone just rang,” she said. “I didn’t answer because I knew it was your mum. She probably wouldn’t believe me if I said you were in the toilet again. Shall we meet after work? We can find a cheap place to eat before I leave for France.”
“That sounds lovely,” I replied
The phone rang and I answered in the best groggy voice I could fake.
“Where were you five minutes ago?” My mother always sounded angry now.
“Probably asleep. You just woke me.”
“It’s nine your time. Why are you in bed?”
“You know I’m not a morning person. I don’t have work. I was sleeping in.
She sounded sorry. “I forgot your job ended yesterday. When is this trip?”
“Tuesday and Wednesday.”
“I think this will be a good experience for you.”
I was astonished. She was being agreeable.
My relief was short-lived. “I will call the gift shop to talk to your friends.”
I ended my conversation. “She’s making my life so difficult,” I grumbled.
“Well, I have to go to work,” Aimee said. “I can scare up someone to say they’re going to Liverpool with you if Lily and Emma won’t.”
“Thanks, Aimee, I may need that.”
“Can we get back to my flat now?” Keith asked. “I’ll fix breakfast.”
“It better be quick. I must get to the gift shop before my mum calls. I need to pick up my last paycheck anyway.”
Keith gave me a lift, but I was still late arriving at the gift shop. Lily was ringing up a customer. She saw me immediately. “Your mum just rang asking me about some exhibit or seminar in Liverpool we’re supposed to go to.”
My heart sank. “Oh no. I’m ruined,” I moaned.
“Don’t worry. All your sob stories clued me in. Are you going with your boyfriend?”
“I’m hoping to, but if my mother suspects I am she’ll have the entire British army after me.”
“I think I convinced her. I said we hadn’t made concrete plans and I planned to see you and Emma this evening.”
“Has she cornered Emma yet?”
“Emma works tomorrow. You might ring her before your mum does.”
“You better believe I will.”
“I think it’s beastly your parents are trying to keep you from your true love.”
We hugged each other and I left the shop feeling rightly smug I was pulling off the ruse of a lifetime. Liverpool was so close I could taste it.
I caught the next Tube to Ryan’s. I knocked on the door half out of breath.
“Heavens,” Louisa cried, seeing me on her stoop. I must have looked a fright standing there panting, wind blown hair and sweating like a pig. “Why on earth are you exerting yourself in this heat? Come have lemonade.” She ushered me into her kitchen so quickly, I couldn’t respond. “Tell me, dear, what brings you in such haste?”
“Oh, I picked up my last paycheck.” I was thinking fast to come up with a believable answer. “I thought band practice was ending soon and didn’t want to miss Keith.”
“You needn’t have overtaxed yourself. I think this practice will go on a bit longer than usual. They want to make a good impression in Liverpool.”
Louisa handed me some gingerbread then had me take a plate to the cellar. Keith stopped everything and gave me a hug. Everyone else dove into the gingerbread. “I hope you have good news.”
“So far. My mother got to Lily, but Lily covered for me.
“So this means you’re coming, then?” Ryan asked between bites of gingerbread.
“Absoluttely! But don’t breathe a word even to your parents. My mother thinks I’m going with girlfriends.”
After an hour, I bade goodbye to Louisa and caught the Tube to my place. The phone was blinking indicating a message. Perhaps it was Aimee wanting to finalize our plans. My heart sank when the message was from my mother. I dug out my phone card.
This time my father answered. “Brigitte, my darling,” came his cheerful tone. “Your mother was trying to reach you.”
“That’s why I’m ringing back.”
My mother got on the phone. “Were you with Keith all day?”
For once, I didn’t need to lie. “Actually, I’ve barely seen him today. He’s been at practice all day and I had things to do. I’m meeting Aimee for dinner before she leaves, so I can’t talk long.”
“How lovely. Listen, I spoke with your friend Lily. She seems like a nice girl. She says she wasn’t sure about Liverpool.”
“Well, I popped in to pick up my paycheck and she says she’s waiting to hear from Emma. If Emma can go, we’ll find some inexpensive place to stay.”
“I do not want you in a bad part of town. You also get in at an early hour. It is not safe for three young ladies to be out late.”
“You’re treating me like I’m thirteen. I’ve lived in London a year and know how to be safe. I have to go or I’ll be late meeting Aimee.” I hung up, and headed out.
Aimee and I settled on a near-by café and I filled her in on my conversation with Lily. “You’re taking a really big risk,” Aimee said. “If your parents learn the truth, you’ll be living in France until you’re eighteen.”
“They won’t find out. I have the whole thing masterminded.”
“I hope so,” Aimee said. “I couldn’t bear it if we were separated.”
I saw Aimee off, then headed to Keith’s.
Keith was at his piano. There were papers scattered over the wood floor with his hand-written notes on them.
“There you are. Great news! The hotel’s booked. We have two shows here, a day off, then two nights in Liverpool. The first night sold out already!”
I sat next to him and gave him a squeeze. “Fame and fortune are close!”
“Well, you’ve done an about face since your doom and gloom this morning.”
“Because my mother believes I’m going with girlfriends and said girlfriends are covering for me. I’m so excited I don’t even want to think about returning to school –- especially those silly foundation courses.”
“Oh, so you painted nude models?” He had his common naughty look.
“Of course, you twit,” I giggled. “I’d be happy to practice if you’ll be my model.”
He grinned. “Shall I find a rose to hold in my teeth?”
I giggled again. “You’re the sexiest thing alive. I’d love to sketch you au naturale.”
A huge grin crept over him. “Sure, I’ll do it. There, I’m supporting your education. Now your parents can’t accuse me of being a distraction.”
Keith undressed, letting his clothes fall to the floor and shot me an impish look. “Where do you want me, darling.
I laughed as he struck a mock pose. “On the rug. That would look the most artistic.”
He gave a quick bow. “As you wish.”
I posed him leaning on his right arm, with his left leg bent and his right leg straight, then sketched with a charcoal pencil, taking care to show off every contour of his sexy body.
“Are you fucking finished yet?” Keith asked after ten minutes. “It’s bloody cold on this floor.”
“Just a few more minutes,” I insisted. “And no peeking ‘til I’m finished.”
“Like I can bloody do that from here.”
After scribbling in his tousled ebony hair, I dropped my sketchpad, joined him on the floor and began kissing him. Within seconds his hand roamed up my skirt, then one by one, my clothes were peeled off and we were giggling on the threadbare rug.
Keith straddled me and caressed my breasts. He was so sexy. “Fuck, I should pose nude for you more often, if this is my reward.”
“What time do you suppose it is?”
Keith reached for his watch. “It’s just past ten.”
I sat up in horror. “La vache! My mother has already called!”
[To be continued… Click here to view all chapters.]