I looked up and saw Keith’s father.
The shock and horror on Keith’s face was something I’d never seen. “Who the fuck let him in?”
“I saw your show. You’re quite a performer although I’m not a fan of the music.”
“I don’t fucking care. Get the fuck out of my life!”
Keith’s father looked devastated, though I wondered if he expected different.
“I told you to leave hours ago!” Ryan protested.
“He showed up before?” Keith looked aghast.
“I didn’t want you to know for fear it would ruin your performance.”
“I’m leaving now,” his father said. “I just wanted to see you. I want you to know whenever you’re ready, I’d like to repair our relationship.”
“That makes one of us,” Keith responded.
I got up and started packing left over tapes and badges. I was sad for Keith’s father as I watched him leave, though I didn’t blame Keith for his reaction.
Keith got up and threw a folding chair across the room. “Fuck! Somehow he always finds me. I shouldn’t have come here!”
“I’m sorry, mate. I forgot your parents lived here,” Ryan said. “Come on, I’ll buy you another Guinness before we load up. Just calm down.”
“Don’t tell me to fucking calm down!”
I’d never seen Keith like this and it frightened me a bit. I also didn’t think more alcohol was what he needed, but said nothing.
The other band members began taking their equipment out. I wasn’t sure what to do.
Ryan returned with a bottle of Guinness. “I tried everything to keep him away. He showed up while I unloaded the van. Apparently he didn’t listen.”
“Of course he didn’t. No one tells him what to do!”
His dad seemed sincere to me, but now wasn’t the time to say so.
Keith’s mood remained sour and agitated despite the extra beer. I was beyond exhausted. My cold wouldn’t loosen its grip and I craved sleep.
After countless times climbing the rickety stairs, everything was loaded. Keith lit a cigarette before climbing into the van. My head was ready to explode.
When at long last we got to the hotel, it was nearly four. Keith said nothing all the way back. The corridor to our room grew longer with each step. When we finally got to our room I collapsed on the bed.
“I’m going outside for one last cigarette, luv.” Keith said.
I was afraid he’d go out for more than a cigarette. “Stay here instead. I’m really sorry your dad showed, but I can do a better job helping you forget than any stupid fag can.”
He wrapped me in his arms. “Don’t worry.” He kissed me, then paced the room. “Why did he have to show up tonight? Why did Ryan forget my parents lived in Grimsby? Why can’t my father understand I don’t want him in my life?”
I changed into my negligee while Keith continued pacing the room. “I can’t answer, except your dad seems sincere. He seemed so sad tonight.”
“Nothing can erase what they did. Louisa and Frank are my parents. Ryan’s my brother and Katherine my sister. You wouldn’t feel sorry for him if you knew him. He wasn’t involved in my life until I got taken away. I was his property and no one takes his property.”
“I’m sorry,” was all I could say.
“Well, don’t be. I don’t want pity.”
“I don’t pity you. I actually admire you for surviving. I’m sorry this happened to you. I guess I’m lucky. I had loving parents.”
“You weren’t lucky. Parents are supposed to love their children. I was one of the unlucky ones until Frank and Louisa rescued me.”
“I would like you make amends with your biological parents because your anger is eating you alive, but I won’t pressure you. Come to bed. My cold refuses to go away and I need sleep.”
“I’m sorry, luv. I wish there was something I could do to help you get better.”
Keith flopped onto the bed momentarily before leaping to his feet again. “I can’t relax. I need to get out of here awhile.”
“Please don’t,” I begged.
He threw on his tattered denim jacket. “I promise I won’t be long. I need to walk.”
“Then I’m getting dressed and walking with you.”
“I’d rather be alone if you don’t mind.”
“I do mind. I’ll only take a minute.”
“I said I want to fucking be left alone!” he yelled.
His manner startled me and I wasn’t sure if I should keep insisting.
“I’ll be back in less than an hour, I promise.” With that, he opened the door and slammed it behind him. I sat on the bed craving sleep, but wanted to be sure Keith made it back safe. I was angry with his father and sorry for him. Why did he have to show up? Where would Keith go?
[To be continued… Click here to view all chapters.]