Michael Dirda’s Fine Conan Doyle Piece, By Tom Kipp

I don’t know whether or to what degree y’all may be fans of Holmes & Watson, or intrigued by Conan Doyle’s forays into the Occult, but this Michael Dirda piece showed up on Facebook today, from the current issue of THE PARIS REVIEW, and I thought I’d pass it along. http://www.theparisreview.org/blog/2011/09/21/a-doyle-man/


Not many volumes contain as much sheer pleasure, intrigue or wit as a set of The Complete Sherlock Holmes, in whatever edition, so if you don’t already have such an item on your shelves, I heartily recommend picking one up used at, say, Half Price Books (or from Amazon Marketplace).


It’s the best solitary, late-night reading I’ve ever encountered!


I received just such an omnibus when I was 17, and it has served me well across the decades!


Here’s a worthy latterday edition, for less than ten dollars: http://www.amazon.com/Complete-Sherlock-Holmes-Novels-Stories/dp/0553328255/


Anyhow, enjoy!


Tom Kipp