Scenes From Occupy Seattle By John Markuson

You know, remembering back to anti-war and civil rights marches back in the day, I thought I was fairly good at estimating crowd sizes, but I was off by half. Thinking there were 1500 people at the rally, I texted that number to a friend in California. Later that evening, the local NPR station said over 3,000 were there. (But I’m a word guy, not a number guy.)

Remember: Power to the many-fingered people! That’s one big, angry fist.

– John Markuson

One corner was occupied by a couple of fire-and-brimstone fellows carrying large banners warning of damnation for all who haven't accepted their beliefs. As they engaged all and sundry in their arguments, another banner appeared in their midst. - JM


Just a few blocks from Westlake Center, where Occupy Seattle was rallying, a Bank of America doorway offered overnight shelter. - JM


Occupy Seattle's many-fingered hand shows its fist. Power to the many-fingered people! - JM
