Why I Intend to March on April 28th‏, By Holly Homan

When I was young, my father, an attorney, often worked pro bono for the poor and marginalized. My mother volunteered and helped start a preschool for low income children in Tulsa, OK. My parents took us on civil rights marches when we were very young. We were middle class, white. We were not oppressed, but we fought for those who were. I have marched for civil rights for gays and other minorities, though I am not gay nor am I a minority. Now I see a culture in the US where it’s acceptable for public figures to call women the ugliest of names and get away with it. I see an invasion into the utmost of private affairs of women by people who complain that government is too big and too intrusive. Yet they are willing to dismantle womens’ civil rights — rights that we fought long and hard to achieve. I wish to draw attention to the fact that those advocating these intrusions are behaving just as the Taliban behaves toward their women and this is NOT what democracy looks like. I march not only to protect womens rights, but to protect democracy. I urge everyone who is as outraged as I am to follow this link to find the nearest march and join us. I urge everyone who is as outraged as I am to follow this link to find the nearest march and join us.

Holly Homan
