MXPX came on stage playing the intro to “Baba O’Reilly,” before quickly diving into their own songs. Crowd surfing and stage diving immediately ensued. Seeing MXPX play again was tonic for the soul. It’s been too long since I last saw them. This concert commemorated their twentieth anniversary as a band and also the release of a brand new album called Plans Within Plans. Twenty years is a long time, but MXPX proved as energetic and youthful as ever. It’s a rare thing to see any of them stay in one place for more than a couple seconds.
The concert was also a family affair with front man Mike Herrera’s mom attending the show. I wasn’t sure where she was watching from, but everyone in the band issued greetings to her.
Despite the frenzied stage divers and surfers, this was a polite crowd, which Herrera pointed out. He compared them with what he claims was the opposite behavior in Russia where he got some of his teeth knocked out when an errant crowd surfer kicked him in the mouth. As if to prove him right, a stage diver at this show inadvertently knocked over Herrera’s mic, only to quickly right it before taking a flying leap back into the outstretched arms of comrades below.
The band played a healthy mix of new songs as well as classics like “Chick Magnet,” “Responsibility,” and “Move To Bremerton.” The latter of which Mike Herrera explained in hindsight, he doesn’t recommend anyone move to Bremerton.
At one point MXPX invited members of both opening bands Poorsport and Amber Pacific to join them on stage for one big punk rock jamboree.
Other highlights included a cover of the Clash’s “Should I Stay or Should I Go?” MXPX play punk the way punk should be played and I’m a better person for having seen them. I will not be so remiss again in letting so much time elapse between seeing MXPX play.
Two great bands opened the show. Poorsport played first and I’m sorry to say, I thought the show started an hour later than it did and I missed their set. I’m still kicking myself black and blue for missing them. But let me say this: Poorsport are great. Anyone who hasn’t checked them out yet must do so. Do not pass go or collect that $200 until you have. They play wonderful hooky pop/punk songs and put on one hell of a show! They’re playing up in Arlington next Saturday and again at the Bite of Seattle in July. Your punk rock life is not complete until you’ve seen them live.
Amber Pacific was sandwiched in the middle. I had familiarity with some of their songs, having heard them on KGRG, but this was my first time seeing them live. I was impressed. Now, I’ve been around this punk rock block many times. I was in high school when the original punk was born. I have discretionary tastes. Amber Pacific is worthy to label themselves punk/pop. Hailing from Federal Way, Washington, the band consists of Matt Young – lead vocals, Will Nutter – lead guitar, Dango – drums, Davy Rispoli, rhythm guitar, and Jeremy Gibbons – bass. Their punk/pop style is more heavily concentrated on the harder punk side than the pop side, although there were definite elements of their professed influence of Blink 182. Several in the audience were familiar with their songs and sang along. They even engaged in forming circle pits intermittently throughout the set. For several minutes after Amber Pacific left the stage, their catchy songs were still stuck in my head.
El Corazon is a cozy little dive on the northern edge of downtown Seattle. It’s the type of venue that punk rock is supposed to be played in. The poor ventilation combined with the packed like sardines crowd, not only drenches everyone in sweat, it’s almost hard to breathe inside. I was crushed against the stage, had my head once again used as a landing pad by a crowd surfer or two and I left sweaty and battered. Yup, it was a good and proper punk rock show.