Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Mr. Lumberjack. I am the creator of Palikka – the game where people throw some wood. If you’ve never heard of it, Palikka is described by some as “the long-awaited sequel to the internet, except better, because it’s made of wood.” Others have noted the similarities between the Millennium Falcon and Palikka. But in all honesty, you must see it and play it for yourself to truly understand Palikka.

At its heart, Palikka is an outdoor tossing game that has something for everyone. It’s kind of like a combination of bocce ball and lawn bowling, and is based on several classic Scandinavian tossing games. There are many different ways to play Palikka, but one of the most popular ways to play is called “Palikka Classic”. In this game, the first player to score exactly 50 points wins. Points are scored by knocking down the pins (pieces of wood with numbers on them) with the tossing log (slightly larger piece of wood). If a player knocks down one pin, they get the number of points indicated by the number on the pin. If a player knocks down more than one pin, the player gets the same number of points as the number of pins they knock over. For example; knock down the 10-pin and score 10 points, knock down the 10-pin, 2-pin, and 5-pin and score three points. Pins are set back up where they land, resulting in an constantly morphing game.
But What Does Palikka Have to do with Potatoes?
Nothing! But if you’re interested in trying out Palikka, just shoot me an email at lumberjack@palikkagame.com and I can get you a set to try out. I’ve also got a website set up where you can learn more about Palikka, at www.palikkagame.com.
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