Thoughts about 43 on 9.11.12, By Mark Erickson


George W. Bush (43) was notably absent at the Republican National Convention, and his two-term administration was barely mentioned. However, brother Jeb quipped “during incredibly challenging times, [43] kept us safe.” What ?! 9/11 happened on the watch of 43! In fact, Condoleeza Rice testified during the 9/11 Congressional Inquiry that a Presidential Daily Briefing provided to 43 not too far prior to 9/11 was titled “Bin Laden Determined to Attack inside the United States.”

So the intelligence community had advance notice and America was not kept safe. Over 3,000 civilians died in the worst terrorist attack on America. EVER. In response, 43 attacked a country without provocation and invaded Iraq in an ill-conceived operation that was based on lies, arrogance and deceit. The entire war was a disaster, resulting in over 4,000 U.S. troops’ deaths while the the military-industrial complex not only pummeled a significantly weaker country, but also spent over a trillion taxpayer dollars. Speaking of taxpayer dollars, 43 inherited a surplus, which disappeared under his watch in six months.

Debt. Deceit. Destruction. Death. Despair. That is the legacy of 43, not safety.

Lastly, deepest condolences to the families of the 9/11 victims.

Mark Erickson