I only wish stellar LOVE YOU songs like “Johnny Carson”, “Mona”, “Solar System”, and “Let Us Go on This Way” could be elevated to The Canon, as their wit, heart, and sheer punch dwarfs so much of what is now worshipped re: Brian Wilson! The new FIFTY BIG ONES reunion tour cash-in compilation glosses over nearly every eccentric or even faintly obscure great in the band’s impressive oeuvre (“Girl, Don’t Tell Me”, “Let Him Run Wild”, “Feel Flows”, et many al., including of course anything at all from BEACH BOYS PARTY!, wherein they INVENTED the “unplugged” concept, save the obligatory #1 single, “Barbara Ann”) in favor of effluvia from their relatively brief commercial heyday (1962-66). Someone please save this body of work from its so-called/SoCal of the Mind fans & its Corporate Machinations!
– Tom Kipp