There is a music gene in the human genetic code that contains an understanding of music. Sometimes it shows up in a family of non-musicians, sometimes it’s passed down through generations. It makes learning music easy. Becoming a musician still requires a lot of hard work, but those who have this gene have a big head start. Many problems/equations are easily understood without any teaching. The ability to teach yourself is part of the package. My Dad gave it to me, my daughter got it from me. All of us could sing anything we heard, from the time we could talk. My daughter is the harmony specialist in her musical theater group, always sings the most difficult parts. No one ever taught her anything to do with harmony.
It’s one of the great mysteries, as well as the best evidence of a higher power that I’ve ever seen and experienced. Those who have it can’t take credit for it, it was just “there.”

Where and when did this ‘music gene’ originate? The first creatures with sounds/songs influenced what became music among humans. It’s interesting to consider the evolution of human musical thoughts, and how they became what is now transmitted, through a gene, as knowledge and understanding.
Is it a miracle from a higher power? It brings hapiness and joy to human-kind world wide. For some, it’s to play the music, for others it’s the enjoyment of listening to it. You don’t have to understand it to feel and love it. It’s mathematics combined with human emotion. Human life had to have music. THERE IS A RHYTHM TO THE UNIVERSE. There is a SONG OF LIFE.
It sure is exciting and fun. It can be all-consuming if you let it.
I was powerless to resist it.