Ladies, Are You Bikini-Ready for Summer Vacation?


When the summer months start approaching, weight loss rules all. Women torture themselves so that they can look good in their bathing suits; but there is a far easier way to do it. Weight loss myths and misunderstandings run wild, so don’t let these three dangerous habits become a part of your lifestyle.

1.) Beware of Processed Sugars

You might like the quick bursts of energy that sugary foods and drinks give you, but unless you’re in the middle of a work-out or otherwise exceptionally physically active while you’re consuming them and just burn the sugar off, guess what it turns into, ladies? That’s right—FAT!

What’s more, the Huffington Post says studies suggest that our bodies process the sugar in liquids differently than the sugar in foods; and it has even been linked to the obesity epidemic, diabetes, high blood pressure, and fatty liver disease.

If you’re thinking that liquid diets, diet sodas, and energy drinks are good additions/substitutes to your diets, here is your heads up: They contribute to weight gain and are awful for your body.

2.) Practice Moderation and Don’t Deprive Yourself says that most people gain back 2/3 of the weight they lose in the first year alone; within five years, they gain it all back! Obviously, we don’t work so hard to shape up and lean out only to go back to the way we were.

When it comes to losing weight and keeping it off, slow and steady wins the race. Crash diets do not work, so don’t race out to buy those diet pills that promise six pounds off your frame within the first week.

Skipping meals is also a big no-no. What do you know about metabolisms? The people who have faster ones are generally thinner, right? Well, when you stop eating for too long, your metabolism slows down. How much weight can you possibly lose if that happens? Make sure you’re refueling your energy throughout the day with snacks and several smaller meals.

3.) Don’t Fear Weight Lifting and Overload on Cardio

A lot of women are terrified of lifting weights and absolutely refuse to do it because they’re positive they’re going to “bulk up.” That’s not necessarily the case, and you could be slowing down your downsizing significantly.

The more muscle your body has, the more calories it burns—meaning the less fat you store! Plus, muscle physically takes up less space than fat; in other words, five pounds of muscle looks way smaller than five pounds of fatty tissue. Yes, muscle weighs more; this is yet another reason why you shouldn’t get hung up on numbers and be stepping on the scale all the time.

We’re not telling you to go bench press 80 pounds at the gym; but one-pound weights won’t do it either. When you lift, you create little tears in your muscle; the “healing” process is actually the muscle building. Start with five- to eight-pound weights and see how you feel; and try to incorporate at least 15 minutes into your work-out!

One of the things holding back your weight loss might actually be you! Don’t fall for commercial gimmicks, diet fads, or weight loss myths. Be healthy, stay lean, and have fun doing it.

Michael Shelton writes for several travel sites. Check here on the internet to find sites for vacation destinations.