When introducing their song “SuperSonics,” Chris mentioned we had a basketball team and now we don’t have a basketball team. (Author’s note to Chris: We DO have a pro basketball team. Their name is The Storm and they’ve won two world championships — the only Seattle pro sports team to do so). SuperSonics was followed by “Peaches” (probably their quirkiest song), which inspired a few crowd surfers to slither over the barricade.
When the band left the stage, raucous cheers of one more song immediately ensued. They returned for about twenty more minutes, performing a cover of “Video Killed the Radio Star,” in which Chris proceeded to run back and forth across the stage several times. He ended the show by screaming the chorus from the old Motorhead classic, “Ace Of Spades” before the band left the stage for good.
Opening the evening was Campfire OK. This Seattle five-piece plays what I would call pop/folk. Campfire OK is the kind of band you want to listen to while relaxing in a Jacuzzi and sipping wine. Their songs were pleasant and melodic, though they should let the lone female member (Zarni De Wet) sing more of the songs. She had a crystal clear and very beautiful voice. I’ve since listened to some songs these guys have available on the internet and I enjoy them much more as a band to listen to. Their live set wasn’t very energetic and I prefer watching live shows that have more energy. They are the type of band you’d see at The Triple Door and enjoy while sitting down and sipping wine. They’re very versatile, vary accomplished musicians and I plan to listen to them more. I seem to get much more out of their recorded music.
The next act was some guy calling himself Aaron Daniel’s One Man Banned — a play on words as he was indeed a one-man band. He came on stage, golden curls roaming down his back and an electric guitar, which he played for a bit and sounded quite good. But then he got into all these special effects that just repeated his voice and the same monotonous words over and over again ad nauseam. This really grated on my nerves. I didn’t see the point of what he was doing or why. There were no songs, per se, just recorded special effects.
Just prior to The Presidents coming on stage, a clown with a big red ball appeared. Apparently this is Godfrey Daniels and the Red Balloon. He did all sorts of amusing and amazing tricks with his big red ball, just like he would as a circus side show. He was actually pretty funny and performed some difficult stunts with the ball. He only possessed the stage for about fifteen minutes, but his antics were very well received.
As for The Presidents, this show was the most fun I’d seen them ever. I saw them a few times in the 90s and even saw them perform after a Sonics game in 2003. They really aren’t capable of putting on a boring show and get my vote as one of the most entertaining live acts there is.
Photos property of Holly Homan, all rights reserved.