Sadplant is a “a D.I.Y. punk band” from Westbrook, Connecticut. Formed in 2007 by husband and wife team Ben Kerr (aka ‘Ben Social’ – guitarist/lead vocals) and Amy Wappel (bassist/vocals), they’ve already released seven albums, all self-recorded and produced, quit their day jobs and put their show on the road (in a truck with their way cool TEDDY BEAR SKULL logo on it!), playing as many as 100 shows a year. How’s THAT for the real deal, all you wannabe posers?
Check them out at, and there’s a couple dozen videos posted on Youtube, like this one:
I got the chance to send them a few questions because, well, Amy is my wife’s cousin, so I figured she and Ben would take a moment out of their heavy touring schedule to give us a little insight into the trials and tribulations of a working punk band:
EPB: Who is Sadplant now, and how did this all come about in the first place (keep it short – this is a Blog!)?
Sadplant: All of us were in different bands that we hated, so we formed Sadplant; 6 years later and were still doing it…who knew?
EPB: That was way too short. What was I expecting interviewing a punk band? My questions are longer than the answers – and now I’m interviewing myself!
Sadplant: (Ben, interjecting hastily, and only to avoid the “appearance” of being egotistical, notes the band includes the considerable talents of Noelle Star on vocals and guitar and Phil K. on drums).

EPB: As I recall, you originally branded yourself as “skate punk” – is this a ‘thing’ I should know about, or any sort of refinement from ‘regular’ punk, or was it more just a reflection of the bloodied knees and broken wrists of your audience?
Sadplant: We actually got branded as skate punk simply because we all skate. I’m not fond of the label, I think we are more of a wanna be pop band that just cant get it right.
EPB: What made you think you could flaunt The MAN and pull this off as a full-time endeavor – is it working like you hoped and planned?
Sadplant: Sure, it works great. I mean we live like crap for the most part, but we don’t catch ourselves staring at the clock at 3:30 anymore wishing our shift was going to end.
EPB: Westport Connecticut…CONNECTICUT???!!! When I hear “Conneticut” mostly all I can think of is pastel sweaters with alligators and thin men named ‘Kip’ (ha – cheapshot!), yet you are thriving thereabouts as a punk band (does it explain your dreadlocks- a convulsive reaction, perhaps?). Where do you go to find audiences and where/what are your most fruitful venues (go ahead, educate us on “CTxHC”)?
Sadplant: (Its WestBROOK CT! Westport CT is way rich, Westbrook is just rich…) but yeah, CT is awesome. We aren’t really exposed to all the wealth. The clubs we play here are pretty much the same as the ones we play 1500 miles away.
EPB: OK, I’ll do it – “CTxHC” = Connecticut Hardcore… it’s a ‘thing’ (and yes, I can use The Urban Dictionary). Anyway, I believe there’s a pretty decent punk (and skateboarding) scene out here in the Pacific Northwest – you’d fit in well; any plans to bring your show out this way, and if so, what would you like to bring to this soggy corner of the country, if you had the opportunity?
Sadplant: Sure! We would love to! However being a self funded d..i.y. band with no label, management, or booking agent makes the west coast trips difficult to make happen. We’re hoping this will change soon.
EPB: Not to bring a downer note into this or try to infuse too much into 3-chord skateboarding grinders, but with Connecticut being such a relatively small community, have the horrific events in neighboring Newtown/Sandyhook worked its way into your music psyche and what you do as artists and entertainers?
Sadplant: We used to play the Newtown teen center all the time, however none of us know any of the families.
EPB: What’s on the band’s horizon?
Sadplant: We are about to release our 8th album this June, and have started recording our 9th which we are hoping to get released in December.
EPB: Lastly – Amy, in ALL of the videos of you guys playing, you continually have a giant smile on your face. What is UP with that???! You’re a PUNK band, fer God’s sake: where’s the sullen angst (and don’t try to tell me you have some sort of perpetually sunny worldview)?
Sadplant: Hahaha! I can’t help it! People give me crap all the time for it!