Poorsport finished out the night and unfortunately many had left by the time they came on. I don’t know what it is, but it seems these twenty-one up shows attract people who crave an early bed time. But they miss all the fun. Poorsport never disappoint. Singer Max’s voice seemed a bit off, but he still put on a fine performance. He emotes, he hams it up and he’s a ton of fun to watch. Bass player Ben preferred to put his mike stand on the floor just in front of the stage and leaned down to sing harmony. Meanwhile drummer Skeeter slammed with wild fury. Guitarist Kyle basically stood on stage looking cute. Okay, I admit it — this whole band is damn cute!
If this were the late nineties or early 200s Poorsport would be getting airplay on KNDD. Their songs are catchy enough to rival that of Blink 182 and yet definitely have that punk edge. Unfortunately we live in an age where Katie Perry and Train, amongst other vermin, dominate the airwaves. If you haven’t checked out Poorport yet, what are you waiting for?
Prior to Poorsport was a band I only recently became acquainted with — Angie and the Car Wrecks. Part hootenanny, part punk, and a butt load of fun. It’s hard to tell who upstages whom in this band. Singer Angie with all her charisma or upright bassist Skwerll, who plays barefoot and shirtless and stands on a clear box that lights up with the help of several lightbulbs. He climbed on his bass frequently, constantly making contortions with his body and face. His bright green mohican haircut looked like he’d planted easter grass down the center of his head. Not sure what to call their brand of punk. I’ve never heard or seen a band that sounds hillbilly but punk. Punkananny? At any rate, Angie & the Car Wrecks are so much fun I think I could watch them every night and not get tired of them.
Unfortunately I missed Regional Faction. I got really hungry and went in search of comestibles.
I did, however get to see The Whywolves — an intense and energetic four-piece that plays straight up rock and roll. They took turns leaping about the tiny stage as if it were twice the size it was and set the place smoldering for a fun night of punk.