This recent post in Grantland is a nice take on the news that Tim Lincecum may have thrown his last pitch for the San Francisco Giants due to his recent injuries.
Lincecum 2012 NLDSI would add that somehow the Giants should find a way to get him out onto the field at AT&T Park one more time so the fans can thank him properly for his service. It may be hard to do this year, since he has not called it a career yet, but a future Tim Lincecum Day, with an accompanying bobblehead giveaway, would be the minimum requirement for the man who, as much as anyone else, brought the franchise out of its Slough of Despond to the three-championship Promised Land which it currently inhabits. Let me be the first to call for a Lincecum statue to join the others surrounding AT&T Park. He may not be Hall-of-Fame material, but no one ever should be allowed to forget his iconic motion. Perhaps they could install it next to Juan Marichal’s statue; the two together would be a unique monument to major league pitching.