Of the close to 1000 staff and crew, I’d say 85% were Filipino. Most of the rest Indian or South Asian and Indonesian.
Except the many entertainers; almost all white. Though the Cruise Director and his No. 2 were Filipino and clearly trained pro entertainers (TV I suspect).
Got a chance to talk to some of the service staff. Extremely nice, professional, not a hint of oppression or victimization (though it’d seem justified). They told of a highly competitive and difficult application and training; the jobs are sought after and they seemed proud to work on a ship. Even if it means being away from family up to 10 months at a stretch. Probably work 12 hour shifts 7 days a week too.

Still, to Rimkus, middle aged white guy, something just doesn’t feel quite right about being lavishly served by genuinely friendly people who probably should be plotting to throw his rapidly enlarging carcass overboard.
I guess it was fitting that this very week President Obama also was visiting Alaska and, among other things, supported the official renaming of Mt. McKinley to the original native Denali. A small nod to Native peoples and culture in a land (& sea) rife with exploitation.
Rimkus was fortunate to have a clear day and was able to see the glorious Denali from afar. The thought occurred to him that it did bear some resemblance to a fat white blob; maybe they should’ve renamed it “Mt. Taft“? He surely would’ve enjoyed that 24 hour a day sumptuous buffet and friendly servers!