The Foreign Resort – Under Bright Neon Stars, by Paul Johnson

The Foreign Resort will perform at Kelly’s Olympian in Portland on Oct. 30. and at Substation in Seattle on Oct. 31.

foreignresortTuning in to The Foreign Resort’s new release single “Under Bright Neon Stars” was like a trip down memory lane. I found myself back in the era of The Cure and quite frankly I liked it. The guitar and bass worked well together to sculpt a sound landscape which was freely roamed by the vocals. All this built on a sound foundation provided by the rhythm section.

I noticed that the production was done in a basement in Denmark I do believe, and I’m guessing the bass guitarist was manning the slides, as the vocals could have been a bit more evident in the mix. I found myself leaning in, then turning up. At the end of “Under Bright Neon Stars” there is some sort of tonal time bomb that goes off to finish it which is as lovely as finger nails on a chalkboard. With the sound turned up and all, I wanted to reach thru the speakers, grab the producer and beat his head into the mix board shouting “and you will not ever, ever, ever do that again.” Other than that, really a good tune and sound.

Track two brought with it female vocals and I couldn’t help but think “oh my The Clash and The B-52’s made a baby”. It’s a nice baby. An edgy baby with holes in it’s jammies and boots on.

Kick me little baby, I thought.

Overall, this band has good chops, and if given the chance I would love to see them live. Preferably, after a brief stop at Christiania in Copenhagen to fill my hash pipe.

Give’em a click and a listen.

Paul Johnson

