Natalie Wouldn’t played second and opened with a ska version of the Spider Man theme. The tiny club was filled with dancers immediately. Seattle is full of great ska bands, but they all play their own unique style and have their own unique personalities. NW is no exception. In particular, are trumpeter Rick Pentilla and trombonist Mike Ayer (who always plays barefoot). The two of them ham it up with their onstage antics. When not blowing their respective horns, they’re leaping and prancing all over the stage. Bass player David Trump played in his bright red stocking feet and has the best facial expressions of any musician in Seattle.
Rick Dybvad sings lead on almost all of the songs and has a voice that’s crystal one second and gutsy and growly the next and has a smile that if projected backward would negate the need for spotlights. They played many of their classics, but also introduced some new songs. When it came time to do their cover of Free Bird I could feel the floor heave from all the dancers. The remaining members of Natalie Wouldn’t are, Rick Yates who bangs the skins, and Shawn Brockman and Sean Jensen blowing some mean sax and bass sax.
Starting off the night was the Georgetown Orbits. Their very charismatic singer, Bridgid Roney, came out sporting a brand n new cropped haircut and it suited her. Her voice has really grown since she took over from just being a backing vocalist. She also can sing like a song bird or gutsy and throaty, often in the same song.
On a sadder note, this was trumpeter Adam Bruno’s last night with the band. He will be missed.
Keyboard player David “Ozzie” Giles appears to be very unassuming until the music takes him over. Then he’s huddled over the keys while running his fingers up and down the board at lightning speed or he’s standing up and moving about, fingers still a blur.
A couple of Natalie Wouldn’t horn players (the barefoot trumpeter Mike Ayer and Sean Jensen have joined the fray to round out the horn section of the GT Orbits.
Taking in a night of ska was the perfect way to start Halloween week. It’s been too long since I’ve been to a ska show and too much longer since I’ve set foot in Darrell’s, one of the friendliest clubs in town. The remainder of GT Orbits are Orion Anderson – Guitar, Cale Wilcox – Bass, Steve Howell – Drums.