Black Market Aftermath – Come Naked, by Paul Johnson

Black Market Aftermath is a band with great talent, varied sound, and what I would describe as “formula” skills. The songwriting is good. The list of songs is long. I didn’t mind listening to the album and was vaguely intrigued by it.

blackmarketaftermathI, however, want to be kicked in the teeth, or stabbed in the heart, or dance around the room like a child with a giant rainbow lollypop that is going to make a terrible mess, but will no doubt be amazing. Music is a puddle whose bottom is mud and mud is great and we should rub it all over ourselves.

Black Market Aftermath no doubt has the chops to make you want to jump up and down in the puddle. But it seems like someone has told them they will get dirty, and they should make nicey nice, and discourse on blah blah blah. If you are going to get naked, or come naked or whatever, …take it all off…including the skin that seems to separate the potential from the reality.

Paul Johnson