Norm Ornstein’s one of my favorite political writers, even though the think tank he belongs to, the American Enterprise Institute, leans right. His most recent piece in the Atlantic addresses the images of 1968 that are in a lot of people’s minds nowadays (bold type mine).
I found this passage particularly interesting:
“Some prominent Republicans are weighing other options to counter what they see as a hostile takeover of their party by Trump. There is talk of creating a third-party effort, led by a card-carrying conservative, who might serve to put the nail in the coffin of Trump’s presidential chances but might also gin up turnout in critical Senate states by Republicans otherwise demoralized by Trump. But starting that effort early enough to get on most key state ballots would mean a GOP effort to blow up the chances of their party’s own nominee, making likely a convention that would resemble Chicago in 1968. No wonder Cleveland has asked for riot gear for 2,000 in advance of the July gathering.”
– NORM ORNSTEIN AND THOMAS E. MANN, “The Grim Reality of American Politics”
And from NPR:
Cleveland Readies For Protests Ahead Of Potentially Volatile GOP Convention
I think we’re in for some fun come July.
This satire is pretty good too:
Obama Plans to Take Nuclear Launch Codes With Him When He Leaves Office – The New Yorker