49th Anniversary of RFK’s Passing – If he had been the nominee, would Chicago protests have taken place? by Pat Thomas

49 years ago today, we lost Bobby Kennedy. In my forthcoming book, I discuss that the Yippies were considering not protesting at the Chicago Convention if Kennedy was the presidential candidate – just days before he was shot, he met with SDS to discuss having the anti-War protests occurring in Chicago with his blessing. Then there’s the touching moment of Phil Ochs singing “Crucifixion” (his song about JFK) to Bobby, when they happen to be on the same plane from DC to NYC. Paul Krassner told me he sent an anti-war letter to all 100 senators in ’68, only Kennedy responded and said it was worthwhile. The night Bobby was shot, he attended a dinner party with Sharon Tate.

Pat Thomas is the author of Listen, Whitey! The Sights and Sounds of Black Power 1965-1975.