The elderberry bush produces lovely clusters of white flowers, which later turn into deep purple immune boosting fruit. The trick is to knock the flower heads a bit so the white flowers fall off with a whole in the center (this is the elder blow) leaving a little white part still attached to the cluster, which will turn into fruit. It is a win win you get your flower and fruit too!
Elder Blow has a light fragrant taste, but packs a cold fighting punch. My favorite is just a cup of warm elder blow infused water, but you can add it to many yummy treats. A simple syrup made from the elder blow can brighten a fruit salad, frosting, cocktail or flavor cold water. You can also infuse alcohol with elder blow or make a cordial. Ikea sells elderflower syrup and drink if you don’t have a bush by you. Kay Young in her book Wild Seasons suggests adding the elder blow to your fritters and waffles. She warns that a little goes a long way. Luke Norse makes marshmallows from marshmallow root. We were talking about using infused elder blow water in the recipe. Elder blow makes a nice jelly too. Save a little to dry to drink by the fire over winter. How do you use elder blow?