The event started at 5:00, but I arrived around 7:00 in time to see Washington’s own Hard Money Saints come on stage. I used to see Hard Money Saints play all the time about a decade ago when rockabilly reined supreme in Seattle, but it had been awhile since I last saw them. HMS are more rockabilly/roots rock than psychobilly, but they fit right in with the lineup that evening. Their music ranges from smooth to upbeat and danceable. Singer/guitarist Jack Rainwater’s voice is crystal and he can croon. Jacob Hogg plays a mean upright bass while drummer Nich Scott keeps things steady with his mop of blond curls. They’re always a pleasure and the perfect band to warm up the night.
Following HMS was a band from Nashville called Stump Tail Dolly. These guys were a more hard core punk/metal band. Lots of hair on both the face and head with low growling, guttural vocals. They did what they did very well, but I’m not much of a fan of that type of music.
After Stump Tail Dolly I dashed next door to the Fun House (the two venues are separated only by a small shared hallway) to see James Hunnicutt. Another Seattleite, it had also been many years since I’d seen him. He performed with just an acoustic guitar and a broken foot. His crutches were lying in front of the chair he sat on. The show must go on and he performed gallantly. His voice was strong and he often threw in a vibrato. But besides his great talent as a singer/songwriter, he oozed charm, often stopping to tell short stories or joke with audience members. My son, who came with me, was also impressed. He was as much of a treat this time as I remembered him ever being.
Then it was back into El Corazon where we witnessed the sheer entertainment of Whiskey Dick. This Texas duo describes themselves as heavy metal, honky tonk bastard sons of Texas. Calling themselves Fritz & Reverend Johnson, they played an acoustic electric (creating sounds I never thought could be made on such a guitar) and an acoustic guitar and a pretty mean harmonica. The singer’s voice sounded as if he’d been smoking cigs and guzzling whiskey from birth. He did mention a song he wrote in the mid 1800s, so perhaps since then. These two were pure entertainment.
Then back to the Funhouse for the Rocketz. I had never seen this LA trio before, but I had familiarity with them and some of their songs. They used to get some airplay on KGRG back when KGRG still had a rockabilly show. Needless to say, the Rocketz were a blast (pun intended). Singer/guitarist Tony Slash was all over the stage, spinning, running, standing at the edge of the stage, riling audience members. Slap bass player Chango often stood hip to hip with Tony, slapping away, while drummer Anthony Drinkwater banged away, never a hair amiss on his head. I hope the Rocketz come back and headline their own show in Seattle. When they do I will absolutely see them. My only complaint was that Tony’s vocals were barely audible. The sound mix was not good for their set, though it was impeccable for everyone else.
Then it was time to return to El Corazon to see the band my son and I were waiting for, the band we primarily came to see. The Silver Shine from Budapest put on an amazing show. Singer/guitarist extraordinaire Ati Edge was also one who never stayed in one spot for more than a few seconds. He often ran in place, almost did the splits on more than one occasion, or he hammed it up with upright bass player Krista Kat –who also traded off on lead vocals. She sang a version of Janice’s Mercedes Benz that was nothing less than incredible. Her voice was sweet yet gutsy while Ati’s was throaty and growly. Their voices melded perfectly when they harmonized. Drummer Peete Jones was equally fun to watch. He barely broke a sweat as he slammed hard, often twirling his sticks between two fingers. This was my second time seeing the Silver Shine, but they’ve always been a supporting act. They are another band I hope to see return headlining their own show.
Back at the Funhouse I saw another band I’d never seen nor heard of called American Dischord. Hailing from Kansas City, MO (which they made fun of constantly), these guys are more of a metal punk band with a sense of humor. Singer/guitarist Tyler Temple even got many to sing along. Bass player Dalton Elliott played shirtless most the show while drummer Nick Talley totally hammed it up. The highlight for me was their cover of my favorite Misfits song, Astro Zombies, which got nearly everyone moshing. I totally enjoyed their set.
Back to El Corazon for the final band, Black Eyed Vermillion. The band did not get back to me when I requested the names of who was in the band, but the two guys who were Whiskey Dick were in it, both playing guitar. It was the singer who was totally amazing to watch. He was constantly all over the stage from the get go. He gyrated, did pirouetts, and often stood on the edge of the stage, getting audience members to shout the songs. At one point he leaped onto the dance floor and writhed about, mic in hand, while audience members danced around him. Their bass player looked like Santa Clause’s skinnier brother with his long white beard reaching down to his chest. The fiddle player was the lone female in the band and she had long dark twisted locks reaching half way down her back. She wore tight leather pants with slits all the way down them and donned a ship captain’s hat about half way through their set.
I wish I had more information on them because these guys were nothing short of amazing.
This was a truly fun night. I saw some old favorites and discovered some new ones.
– All photos property of Holly Homan, all rights reserved.
Black Eyed Vermillion
American Dischord
Silver Shine
James Hunnicutt
Whiskey Dick
Stump Tail Dolly
HM Saints