First Book: The Wise Mind of Emperor Haile Sellassie. Someday Ras Isachar will update us on the other title. It is obscured by by loving layers of masking tape.Haile Selassie II am going to be dropping a bunch of great videos today, because tomorrow I leave for Port Antonio with Lenni I-Music for the final stage of this second Jamaican mission. The comfort of Wi-Fi will be out of my reach.
My trip truly began with Ras Isachar at Roots 96.1 FM. I wish I got to spend more time with Mr. Isachar. He had plans to introduce me to a few more legends of Roots reggae on the island. But time is a definite thing. It stops for no one regardless of our best laid plans and wishes.
Mr. Isachar has been so good to me. He called me and messaged me almost weekly, sending me encouragement, wisdom, and news that often reads between the lines of news official news. He spoke of the winds changing in Montego Bay long before it was on the world’s radar. He spoke with hope and also realism, with so much love for his island home, and his people.
When I get back to Seattle I plan on rallying some of the finest reggae musicians I know at such as Blake Dally, Andon Hiltner, and Paul Huppler to organize a fundraiser for his magnificent public radio station. Like any good public station, they could use help. This station is a beacon of Roots Reggae and I want to help that beacon be better heard and understood throughout from Africa to Antarctica to Anaheim, California.
There is a tremendous opportunity for a station like Roots FM to reach not only its thousands of loyal listeners, but millions reggae fans around the world that thirst for the station’s uplifting message and authentic voice.
This video clip is just what happened when I captured Ras Isacher during the segment of his midnight to 6 am shift, after his segment highlighting the Women of Reggae. He reads passages from books of knowledge that have moved him and have brought him peace.
It doesn’t get much more authentic than this pal. I just love that the Rastas don’t mind me hanging around, collecting these inspiring little stories.
I had Delroy, the director of Photography rush a couple photos for the Jamaican Observer deadline. More stills to come much love to Delroy for getting me something in a hurry. Big news in the next post.
Ricardo Bown asked me to video kids playing Soccer in Trench Town. Stephanie Young mentioned we should get these kids some soccer balls they could definitely use. When I get back it would be fun to figure out some simple ways to help out the kids in Trench Town and Fleet Street. Little things can go a long way. Sports are as important for the mind as music and other types of education. It’s teamwork.
And I know kids get used to playing barefoot. But that’s not really a good thing. We can do better.