The Foxfires are a four-piece band of immensely handsome and mischievous gents from New York. They describe their sound as Seagaze, a neologism they coined to explain their upbeat combination of indie rock, pop, shoegaze, folk, and surf rock. The mix forms a fresh, wind-driven soundscape you’d want to hear on summer beaches or while sailing tropical oceans. Guitar sounds are clean, the leads are bright as noonday sun with melodies aplenty. The vocals are strong and swoonworthy.
The band is releasing two singles. The first, “Choose Love,” is a song incorporating a campaign and message the band have been pushing for 4 years. They’d like to see the world move towards a more empathetic, equal and balanced future where all humanity can see past race, gender, religion, sexuality, or political party in order to fully embrace everyone.
The first time I heard “Choose Love” I hit replay a half dozen times and was quickly convinced that this was a song for the ages. Further listening has only made me more certain of this. The words and music come together easily, flawlessly forming a pop fugue which will stick in your head for years to come. Please give it a listen on the media player below. You owe it to yourselves.
“Choose Love”
Audio Player
“Don’t Give Up” is an anti-suicide song that the band has been eager to release since the recent deaths of Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington. Take a look at the video below. I’m certain you’ll enjoy it.