We have learned more. Not only did Stampel fail to adequately supervise Nasser after imposing a requirement in 2014 to have a third person present whenever providing treatment in “anything close to a sensitive area,” according to the Chicago Tribune, but authorities have also found porn on Strampel’s work computer. Sports Illustrated reports that Strampel’s computer contained a “video of Dr. Larry Nassar performing ‘treatment’ on a young female patient.” I told you last month things would get uglier.
And then there is this from the Journal. In spring 2015, Dr. Strampel taught a class on physical examinations. When the male model did not show up one day for students to practice prostrate and rectal exams, according to a written statement authored by several students, Strampel himself offered to be the replacement! One student volunteered to perform the rectal exam on his professor in a private area. The student explained that he was concerned about failing the class if he did not volunteer. Uff da!
Drip, drip, drip…waiting for the another shoe to drop.