My Eyes Are Wide Open. We Are Losing, by Davin Michael Stedman

Would 53% of White women still vote for Trump after the Kavanaugh hearings? I am afraid to know the answer. Why?

Because 53% of White women voted for Trump after hearing the Pussy grabbing tape and learning much worse.

I can pretend like the Christian conservative women who sat next to me on all these plane flights were outliers. The women who told me women should never hold office, the women who told me they were subservient to their husband under God’s law. The women who told me that a women had no place running for President.

Am I sexist for telling you what I heard? Hell no, I told every one of them a woman would make a fine President and that many of our problems in public life are due to the fact Women are under represented.

These woman all thought I was charming, and I said what I had to say respectfully.

But a lot of us are living in a bubble. A huge portion of our Caucasian population is ready for the Evangelical version of Sharia Law.

Of all of these Conservative Christian woman I spoke at length to on these flights, the most progressive was the 30 something Amish virgin that was headed back to Haiti.

The things I heard from Evangelical woman. Dear God. I am a feminist, no matter what any Fanatic on the polar opposite side of the scale has to say about it. I’ll tell you what needs to happen:

The Center and The Left needs to come together and do what ever it takes to take back the Senate, the House, the White House, and The Supreme Court. That’s called voting. Everyone that is not a Right Wing thug or whacko has to vote these hideous men out of office and take Kelly Ann and that Sara Sanders out to the trash with them.

Because in all probability, 53% of White Women are for Kavanaugh, because they are dog whistle trained like their male counterparts to only vote against abortion, and Kavanaugh is their Wolf in shining armor that will shut down every abortion clinic as they have prayed for generations.

The day has come. The Supreme Court is theirs.

But this is not an attack on White Women. 47% of them voted against Trump. This is not an attack on Christianity. I saw my Lutheran church die last Sunday after it took a stand to accept gays and female pastors. The Lutherans made a stand and are paying for it as Mega Churches crush them with their Buddy Christ Helicopters and million dollar fake tans as they hail Trump as the messenger of Jesus.

No my eyes are wide open. We are losing. If we don’t win the mid terms we are done for. We as in The People that don’t believe Woman are second class citizens and that Jesus is not speaking in twitter tongues through Donald Trump.

Get out of your bubble and be scared for the right reasons. You are scared of old White men? I am scared of the probability that on a plane flight I am sitting next to a Woman that believes a Woman’s place is in the kitchen, not in a science lab or the halls of Justice. The god damn kitchen.

53%. That is a big part of why so many good honest White women I know were shellshocked when the results rolled in.

Davin’s new song has been released and has become a global earworm and Caribbean dancehall hit. Listen here on Reggaeville: DAVIN MICHAEL STEDMAN & ANTHONY RED ROSE – FREE YOUR MIND FEAT. SLY & ROBBIE WITH LENKY MARSDEN. The video is now available on Youtube.

– Musician and writer Davin Michael Stedman has many ventures, such as the AMAZING blog,, and is one of the driving forces behind the Staxx Brothers. This past spring he spent weeks networking in and reporting from Kingston, Jamaica. He will retun there soon for more recording. His single with British band Sherlock Soul is now available as well.