There is no universal, objective definition of a “badass woman”…
because there is no universal, objective definition of a woman!
Women are constantly being told how to be women (this is one of the things I learned from “The Handmaid’s Tale” when I read it at age 16). Every single thing we do, everything we wear, say, think, and feel is subject to unrelenting societal scrutiny. For example: many of my clients are told that their voices are “too feminine”, while others are told that their voices are “too masculine” (see the problem?!). Cultural labels just add to this mess, even well-meaning ones like “Badass”. The term is intended to draw attention to certain women’s accomplishments (usually those who excel in traditionally male arenas), but it inevitably becomes just another cultural ideal that women are supposed to live up to, like having a yoga-toned body or the latest makeup trends. “Badass” also excludes anyone who falls outside the definition. It’s true that female astronauts, judges, athletes, and politicians are admirable, but what about women who are surviving violent oppression by forces beyond their control? What about women who are getting by as best they can in their lives, without resources, support, luck, and privilege? What about women who are just plain shy? Are they not deserving of the “Badass” title? Or do they not meet the “Badass” requirements? And who the f*** decides what those requirements are? We can do better than this!!
I want women of every kind to speak up for themselves in a powerful way that feels right to them. Some of these women have big (some would call them “Badass”) voices, and some have small ones. It doesn’t matter; we are ALL worthy of being heard!!
The next “Public Speaking Bootcamp for Women” dates are:
Tuesday February 26th from 5-7pm in downtown Seattle. Hurry, there are only 5 tickets left! Use the code 25OFF for $25 off the ticket price.
Tuesday, March 19th from 5-7pm in downtown Seattle. Use the code 25OFF for $25 off the ticket price.
Thursday March 28th from 5-7pm at The Riveter in West Los Angeles. Use the code 25OFF for $25 off the price.
Get It Here ($50) |
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PS: I’d love to hear your thoughts on “Badass”!