Mr. Twain, are These the Damn Lies? by Davin Michael Stedman

“There are lies, there are damn lies, then there are statistics.”
– Mark Twain

Just do good work and you’ll find an audience is a damn lie in 2019. Even if that was once true there is too much noise.

Do good work and have no marketing ploy and you’ll starve and die an unromantic and unknown artistic death.

It’s not so much that the game is rigged, it’s that there is so little game left.

Only so many sorts of people are willing to fight for pennies, or wait for a song to get big enough to sue them for having one of their seven hooks sound like something an uncredited session man stole first in the 1970s,

…on behalf of an artist that is long dead anyway.

These are dire times. And I am a Dire Wolf.

So in that sense I am kind of an optimist.

– Musician and writer Davin Michael Stedman has many ventures, such as the AMAZING blog, Davin’s new song has become a global earworm and Caribbean dancehall hit. Listen here on Reggaeville: DAVIN MICHAEL STEDMAN & ANTHONY RED ROSE – FREE YOUR MIND FEAT. SLY & ROBBIE WITH LENKY MARSDEN. The video is now available on Youtube. His single with British band Sherlock Soul is available here.