Thank you East Portland Blog for your support, but trying to make a living as a writer today sucks a bag of old fashioned Quaker d☆ck, by Davin Michael Stedman
Confession: I could do more as a writer. But I don’t really want to be a part of the national debate. Twitter is like the 7th ring of hell, and I feel guilty that people have told me that reading my daily posts are maybe the only reason they still log on to Facebook. My bad.
You should delete your social media accounts and take your life and your privacy back. I mean it.
And I mean this…
I feel awful I torn people down with my words even when I was right, because it was like a Ninja punching a baby. Even if that baby was a card carrying Nazi or just a friend of mine that has lost their damn mind, I still punched a baby.
I solved nothing no how. Nobody was healed. Maybe I made you laugh. Maybe I made you think. Maybe I made you proud. Maybe you think I’m a douche. That’s cool.
I just like to write. I have to. I am not going to stop, but what I am saying is that the life of being a writer where you have to navigate trolls looting all semblance of constructive dialogue in this Country beyond and a radicalized Left that means well, but constantly tells MAGA “to hold my beer”…well it seems pretty sh☆tty.
Not as bad as being a Comedian today where you constantly have to apologize for being funny, but the internet giveth the opportunity for everyone to express themselves, and noneth to make a living off actually writing well.
I am saying that I am just a singer that kind of wants to write for a small group of people.
Because if I say anything articulate and honest and provocative to a larger group of people all hell will break loose. Because as I learned from studying The Kray Twins, there is nothing more libel than the truth.
…and for those that say, “you just have to do good work, and you will be recognized” I say to them,
“I too believe in Santa Claus, and that great artists are never only discovered after their lonely and penniless death, said Emily Dickinson, and well, Death.”
I am not trying to sound cynical. I don’t want to be cynical. But if I could unplug Facebook and go back to a world where one could only be heard with a letter to the editor, well…
…I would be conflicted, because on one hand how would the average person deny evidence of police brutality and injustice with out the light cast upon it by social media.
On the other hand, we live in a culture that denies it anyway, or goes on with their thoughts and prayers as these horrible things happen that could have been prevented if we just addressed things like,
Maybe we should taken the threat of electing a White Supremacist as president of the United States of America more seriously,
…and maybe the Left’s version of thoughts and prayers is pursuing social justice solely on the internet where it can be funneled into the silence of Zuckerberg’s pillow and sold to advertisers as triggers for more monetized screams.
I just don’t want to be that kind of star. Some writer as warrior waiting to be taken down not by one dark knight, but a million bots sent to tear you apart.
I am going to write because I have to breath. And if you read me and find me somewhere else someday, gosh darn it, thank you letting my literary voice into your head.
Because it still trips me out that some of you hear my voice when I write, some of you only really know my voice as a singer, and some of you are endowing these words with some narration of your own invention, like Wilford Brimley or Flava Flav.
…off to sleep to record the vocals for ‘West Indian Rock’ with Mell Dettmer, and radio spots.
Lindy WestMaybe writing is just therapy, or medication. I like it. I agree with Hemingway, it is like chopping wood, but now I only use my thumb. Sad.
☆ amazing fact: Wilford Brimley is still alive. He was just blessed with prematurely looking old as shit. He was literally about my age when he started his Hollywood ascent to selling and resembling Oatmeal. He was 29 in the above photo.