A stitch in time. A report on the crimes of a sitting President, with tales of Porn stars, Russian spies, bribes, and lies, from a time CNN said he would only win if Pigs could fly.
An Attorney General “read it” and said he saw nothin’.
…I also wrote a really darn cool song before I boarded this little Jet from Frisco to Everett.
This is the history that was happening when I played my first show in New Orleans.
As I glanced through its pages, Aaron Neville’s 1991 adult contemporary hit version of ‘Everybody Plays The Fool’ started playing in airport book store.
[Editor’s Notes appropos of either nothing or everything: 1. R&B classic “Everybody Plays the Fool” was first a hit in 1973 when recorded by The Main Ingredient. One of the vocalists in that group was Cuba Gooding, Sr., father of the famed actor. 2. Aaron Neville’s 1993 version of “Don’t Fall Apart on Me Tonight”, (from a similar time and vibe in Neville’s career as “Everybody Plays the Fool”) is a spectacular, underappreciated, Bob Dylan cover. On Dylan’s original version (Infidels, 1983) Sly Dunbar played drums and Robbie Shakespeare played bass, just as, many years later, “Free Your Mind,” would have Dunbar and Shakespeare in the rhythm section. Similarly Neville’s version of “Don’t Fall Apart on Me Tonight” boasted an impressive retinue of New Orleans musicians backing him up on the song. This week Davin has perhaps been cavorting among NOLA musicians who played with Neville on that very album or knew someone who did. It’s too early to speculate that the circle will always be unbroken, but as of mid-2019, the circle is holding fine. – ADMIN 5/14/19]