Listen up! This tune is textured, tough, complex, filigreed and very, very good! Looking forward to more from the saensational Mr. Saens.
Hi East Portland Blog,
I’m always torn between the need to do right by the people I love, and the darkness that resides deep within. Love, sexuality, sensuality, and vulnerability are the leading elements for this new chapter of my artistic journey.
Go listen to my new single, “Dazed,” out everywhere now.
I wrote the lyrics for this song, and produced it alongside Max-Antoine Gendron. We always keep our recording sessions very private. We write everything at his house in his home studio. I’m not a fan of big studios for writing sessions – I think it puts too much pressure on the creative flow to manifest itself. Ultimately, all you need is a computer, basic instruments, and a mic. The rest is bullshit, especially nowadays with so much technology at our fingertips.
Max-Antoine and I never come in with a specific goal in mind. We usually talk for a while before actually getting down to writing, letting our instincts and energy guide us. I think it’s important that we’re in sync, and feel comfortable enough to share and exchange. It makes everything more special and personal. I want people to connect with how I felt. Combined with the beat’s sweet groove and positive energy, “Dazed” is an emotional yet provocative tune.
Thank you for listening. 
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