When East Portland Blog asked me to interview Veronica Fusaro from songwriter to songwriter I was intrigued. After listening to her music I was thrilled and excited to meet the artist behind that mesmerizing voice. Her songs create a feeling that draws you into them until you are caught in their story and melody – a melody that will be stuck in your head for the rest of the day. The Swiss singer-songwriter has built a very impressive career with her talent, hard work and passion for music, and she’s stayed humble through all of it. Get ready to meet a wonderful artist, that we’ll surely hear a lot more from throughout the next years: Veronica Fusaro.
Luna Keller (LK): When did you discover your passion for music and how did you become a musician?
Veronica Fusaro (VF): Ever since I was a little girl I was drawn to music, sang in school choirs and bands, started playing guitar, started writing songs… The passion grew in a very organic way, it was just such a natural thing that I loved to do. Growing up I then realized that all my idols get to make a living out of doing what they love doing the most so I figured I’d be able to do the same.
LK: That’s beautiful, we’re very lucky to have found our passion at such a young age. Let’s talk about your music, how would you describe it?
VF: I call it soul pop. So basically it’s soul influenced pop music.
LK: What do you enjoy the most: writing, recording or playing live?
VF: that’s a tough question! The answer depends a lot on how I’m feeling. I’m in the middle of recording new songs right now, and I love to see how demos turn into full on songs. I even caught myself dancing to a new song of mine (which is a big deal for me because I usually write quite sad songs). I really love writing, but also it’s so much fun to then finally sing the songs in front of people and have them listening! Can’t give you an answer to this question.. What about you, which part do you prefer?
LK: I agree, it’s hard to choose one. I guess I would give the same answer. Although writing songs is probably what I’m most passionate about. Just sitting down and creating something new feels great. How is your songwriting process?
VF: Sometimes I start off with a chord progression on guitar/piano and come up with the lyrics to it, sometimes I have a couple of sentences first and then I look for the fitting chords or sounds. When I’m not in the studio I collect ideas by recording them on my phone.
LK: I agree, a phone is a great tool to record ideas. I use it too. And speaking of recording, your first EP “Lost in thought” was completely self-recorded and produced in 2016 in your home studio. How was the writing and recording process?
VF: I already had a good amount of written songs, I had been writing for a while. In order to do this first project I took a year after high school where I focused on making music and contemporary worked at a chain restaurant. It was a very exciting step for me, because I was actually finally focusing on music, and I wanted to start playing more shows etc. I recorded all of the songs in my parents house basement, where I have my little home recording studio. I decided which songs I wanted to put on the EP, finished arranging them, sent them to a mixing and mastering studio that I found online (which ended up being Influx-Studios in Berne), Luke Zimmermann mixed the tracks and had them mastered, and I put them out on Soundcloud for free.
LK: That’s amazing, you set out to live your dream and you build something wonderful. Now that you’ve won several awards, released another EP „ICE COLD“, played on many big stages and you’re about to release your third EP, how does it feel to look back at your journey?
VF: It’s been pretty cool so far, and I’m very grateful for the people around me and what we’ve done up to this day. Mistakes have been made, but also very good steps, I learned a lot in these 3 years and I got to experience a lot of incredible moments. But still, I’m at the beginning, there are so many things I want to do and attain!
LK: Many things indeed! Next up is a soon to be released EP and you just released the video for one of its singles “Lie to me”, with a very dreamy feeling. How did the idea for the video develop and how was the video shot?
VF: There’s something about the sea that overwhelms me. I don’t live near the sea, so I connect a very nostalgic feeling to it, I love the ocean. I always pictured the video of the song to take place near the beach somewhere in the south, I think it elevates the meaning and feeling of the song. We were touring France with Eagle-Eye Cherry and we happened to have 2 days off around the Marseilles tour, so it was perfect timing! And the shoot was super fun. Steve Glashier flew in from Berlin, very cool guy.
LK: And the video turned out great! I’m really looking forward to listen to the EP when it’s out. Can you tell us a little more about it?
VF: The EP will be released October 4th, I’m very excited! I always use words like warm, organic and honest to describe it. Can’t wait to show the world!
LK: And the world can’t wait to listen to it! It’s so great to be able to share music with the whole world through the internet and by traveling. You’ve traveled through many countries while being on tour. I can only imagine how many great stories you could tell. Do you have a favorite anecdote?
VF: Oh there’s been so many fun/surreal/incredible moments… Very random one: I played in Bangkok for the first time last November, and it was this pub in the middle of Bangkok. It was so hot and humid, we had landed the same day and were slightly jet lagged. There were a few people in this pub, one even bought a CD after the gig. After me there was a Thai Band, playing the bluesiest blues I had heard in a while, and it was somehow so funny to me to hear and see two things that don’t necessarily fit together, it made me realize how powerful and beautiful music is. It doesn’t matter where you’re from, music doesn’t know borders.
LK: What a beautiful experience, music is great at bringing people together. Speaking of great experiences, this summer you’ve played at the famous Glastonbury festival in England. How did they approach you? How was it?
VF: Glastonbury was awesome! I had a lot of fun. The whole thing came together because of a contact of my manager Stefan, his name is Tom Davies. He designed my glasses, and had me play when he opened his new glasses-factory and really likes what I do. He pulled some strings, and we ended up getting booked for Glastonbury!
LK: How cool, maybe I should start wearing glasses too. Beside Glastonbury, you’re also playing many other locations this summer on your tour. When and where can we see you live?
VF: I’m playing many places, you can check them out right here: https://veronicafusaro.com/#live
LK: Last question, what is good music for you?
VF: Music that comes from the heart. Music that makes me hold my breath and makes me feel some type of way. I can’t describe what exact type of way but it’s THAT type of way that you can’t explain with words, but only with music.
LK: I couldn’t agree more, thank you very much for this interview.
Veronica Fusaro – Web – Facebook – Twitter – Instagram – Soundcloud
– Luna Keller is an awesome singer and songwriter in her own right and a treasured EPB contributor. Her music and info can be found on Soundcloud, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and her lovely artist’s website.