I felt an URGENT pang at bein’ “born too late” (and in the wrong state) after seein’ this battered, ca. 1973 gig flyer on FB earlier today, due to both lineup AND billing order.
Especially given the present (sorry) state o’ Seattle’s Bumbershoot Festival, which is taking place as I type this!
By the by, I eventually figgered out that the venerable Auditorium Theatre (opened: 1928) is in fair Rochester, NY, home turf of several dear pals/generational peers (LT Woodward, Pat Thomas, and Steven Fried)!
Any stories/factoids anyone might care to relate concerning said venue?
Clive Davis’ head (truncated).Let’s not slight what must have been a VERY hungry Aerosmith, since their debut LP had tanked earlier that year….
Ironic that only those openers from Boston have been inducted into The Rock Hall….though clearly that has chiefly to do wit’ “moving units”, as they used to say in The Biz!
By the by, I actually discovered (in putting this post together) that ROLLING STONE didn’t even bother to REVIEW that first Aerosmith album, despite (or perhaps in reaction to?) Columbia’s then-peerless payola power!
Or it may simply come down to the fact that they were a Clive Davis signing, and Clive famously got fired as President of Columbia Records that Spring.
Meaning that those remaining at the label may well have decided not to promote Aerosmith, post-Clive, outta simple spite! – TK