Christmas Festival of Lessons and Carols, Recorded at Queen of All Saints Basilica, Chicago, December 1987, Featuring the North Park College Choir, Chamber Singers, and Orchestra, by Michael Smith

Hey kids! I know it’s early for Christmas music. However, a recent post by Nancy Wiebe Mazurowski reminded me of music that is deeply rooted with me, so I bringz to y’all the Festival of Lessons and Carols, recorded at Queen of All Saints Basilica, Chicago, in December of 1987, featuring the North Park College Choir, Chamber Singers, and Orchestra.

Conductor of Carols: Gregory Athnos
Readers of Lessons: Zenos Hawkinson, Susan Larson Johnson

– Michael Smith

[Since Soundcloud will not allow Mr. Smith to upload the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel’s Messiah portion of the 1987 performance, East Portland Blog has added it here below so the entire evening of music from 1987 may be easily heard. This thrilling and beloved piece of music, of course, formed the exciting denouement of the evening’s festivities.]

The Hallelujah Chorus

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