Poolside – Greatest City

Ultra Classic Retro Urban video!

What would it sound like if a city wrote a song?
Poolside’s new single, ‘Greatest City,’ explores this concept. The track is layered and a bit chaotic, like Portland and other vibrant cities all over the globe. Jeffrey Paradise, the visionary behind Poolside, states “All cities have a personality of their own. While exploring a city for the first time one can enter into a silent conversation with it, and if you’re lucky its personality will reveal itself as you peel back the layers and dig into the eccentric qualities always hiding beneath the surface. Some cities are sarcastic, others stern, and some are a complex tapestry of varying personas.  They all have a strong sense of history and pride.”

“I am the greatest city anywhere
Keep that in mind when you arrive

I am the greatest city anywhere
Maybe the greatest of all time”


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