oh?no!ok. – “saw her first”

Behold a great little slacker rock quartet from Salt Lake City called: oh?no!ok.

They deliver (Oh you bet they deliver!) nonchalant pop punk nuggets (with dipping sauce), packed with fuzz and snark (and biodegradable cardboard) , exploring the joys and sorrows of being young, gifted, broke, and way too clever for your own good.

Their debut single just went live via Culture Collide who called them “the next punk rock trailblazers,” drawing comps to FIDLAR.

Their debut record, randy warhole (or something), drops the 2nd quarter of 2020.

Www: https://www.ohnookband.com

Tw: https://twitter.com/ohno_ok

Ig: https://www.instagram.com/oh.no.ok.band/