Relationships seem to be a series of actions and reactions… some good, some great, some a series of unfortunate misunderstandings – like an episode of Three’s Company, with tears.
This song has long reminded me of a period of our marriage in which Andrea was suffering some medical issues and deepening depression that I did not fully understand. She was always a bit of an enigma – more so than most women – and sometimes I reacted badly. Sometimes I said the wrong thing. I took her reactions to her problems personally; I was confused. I’d always spent every day trying to please that girl, and I couldn’t seem to please her anymore. I was afraid.
We were very, very close on our worst days. I could never imagine leaving her – it would literally kill me – but I didn’t see light at the end of the tunnel, either. I withdrew somewhat; I started building fortifications. Time went on, as it tends to do.
Andrea and I had a conference that spring, and laid out all of these Three’s Company-with-tears truths and reveals saved for the end of the episode. We decided to do anything to shake us out of our rut. Move, get new jobs, whatever it took. I love you.
A couple of weeks later, the shower stopped running and Andrea called to me. The look on her face as she stood in the bathroom, naked. Took my hand and put it to her breast.
“Do you feel that?”