East Portland —
We take this day each year to commemorate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who fought to bring justice and equality to all people, from every walk of life.
We put together a video in honor of Dr. King, and as a reminder of our fight for a better future. If you have the time, please watch and share with your friends and family.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. made it his life’s work to fight for sweeping change across a nation whose people were suffering from poverty. And he gave a voice to the tired and voiceless when they needed it the most.
At the time of his assassination, Dr. King was championing a guaranteed income that would give those struggling a floor to stand on — he wanted to see poverty eradicated.
We are still fighting this fight. We are working to empower people to live their lives without scarcity, to be able to breathe easier, and to feel some relief from daily struggles.
And that’s why Andrew is pushing so hard for the Freedom Dividend — it’s not just about money, it’s about what it will empower people to do. We have enough wealth in this nation to take care of each other.
So please take a moment to watch our video, reflect and strengthen our resolve for a better future, and share our Humanity First message with your friends and family.