I clipped the following quote and it sat on my dresser for a short while. I cannot remember the source and I do not recall the writer.
“But what I find most abhorrent about lawyers is how they play games, use word tricks, set traps, are not so much after justice as after winning, outfoxing you, manipulating the facts to suit their own ends. Just look at the most prominent lawyers in the news today, the likes of Rudy Giuliani and the worst of then all Alan Dershowitz.
“Dershowitz’s evident hunger for the spotlight and for proximity to power has caused him to give up all his principles, especially his Jewish ones. Just recently this pal of Jeffrey Epstein who used his legal wiles to get Epstein a slap on the wrist and avoid charges of sex abuse, sat on the panel of a Fox News show and said not one word as the other panelists trashed a Jew, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, calling this Purple Heart winner a traitor and worse. Dershowitz, who paints himself as a super Jew, just sat there and smiled.”
Mr. Vindman participated in the infamous phone call between Dump and Ukrainian President Zelensky, and then testified during the impeachment trial about the contents, i.e., bribery, regarding the phone call. On Friday, despicable Dump retaliated against Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman by firing him from his job at the National Security Council.
– Mark Erickson