A Supposed Champion of the Unborn, Trump Pollutes and De-Funds, by Mark Erickson

Hello East Portland:

I am deeply disturbed.

Just a day or two before his impeachment vote, the President appeared at the “March for Life” anti-abortion rally. (Think Religious Right). I saw a clip on tv with him talking about how much he supports the viewpoint of the pro-lifers and all life is sacred.

If the President is a champion of the unborn, why has his EPA reversed Obama’s course to ban a chemical called chlorpyrifos? Chlorpyrifos is an insecticide and in the organophosphate family, along with sarin gas. Dow Chemical, the company who gave us Agent Orange, developed chlorpyrifos in 1965. The carcinogenic drug is linked to neurodevelopmental problems such as autism.

A female is born in 1965 or 1975. She then becomes exposed to the carcinogen by eating apples, almonds, asparagus, grapes, broccoli, onions, etc. before becoming pregnant in 1990 or 2000. She passes her chemical exposure through the umbilical cord to the unborn. This is why we have see such a dramatic rise in the number of autistic and Asperger kids!!

The President’s current budget proposal decreases EPA funding by 26.5%.

If you want to see the President’s budget, here is a link:


Another indication the amoral President does not give a s**t about children is his budget for the Department of Education, which decreases funding for the ESEA by $4.8 billion to $19.4b. This piece of legislation is earmarked for disadvantaged children. The President then redirected this money to cover the cost of the “Education Freedom Initiative” that will, if passed, receive $5b in funding. What is EFI? It is a tuition voucher program without an income means test that allows families to receive money to pay tuition for their kid to attend a religious school. Whatever happened to the separation of church and state?!

The President loves the Religious Right voting bloc and the money from the chemical industry, e.g., the toxic Koch brothers. Regarding the latter, I recently heard an interview with Sharon Lerner, author of The War on the War on Cancer. Read the disturbing article. https://theintercept.com/2020/01/12/cancer-trump-administration-epa-carcinogens-regulations/

Get out and vote in November! Encourage the Millennials to vote!!

Thanks in advance.

– Mark Erickson