I have seen a few of my stock market worshipping friends post about how much money there is to be made of this disaster as markets “inevitably” rally as this virus “fades” and things go back to “normal”.
But what they don’t understand about disaster capitalism is that history is undefeated and there is a point, despite of all of this false security of facial recognition, where people start doing the previously unthinkable thing and start putting heads on pikes.
What should be unthinkable is sharpening knives and gnashing teeth at the prospect of making untold sums off the millions of Americans that are going to lose their homes and blow their own heads off because they didn’t get bailed out. They didn’t do a damn thing wrong except trust the system and show up to work.
Not everyone can be a pirate. Some people have to stock shelves, educate children, fight fires and be nurses and grave diggers.
And just because COVID-19 only provided some of the people I mentioned more work as grandparents were shoved into caskets a few Christmases too soon doesn’t mean we all get to be Wall Street pirates.
Because the only reason those pirates aren’t finished in 2020 or 2009 is because we once again bailed out them out after they put a figurative gun to our head and said, “Pay me or everyone dies.”
To see this plague as an opportunity and not a wake up call is why the French invented the guillotine and kept using it publicly until like 1981, which was the moment our New Deal died because a real crisis actor nailed the role as the American President.
His name was Ronald Reagan. He closed down mental hospitals and blew up the deficit. U.S. cities exploded with homeless men and women that were clearly mentally ill and in need of professional help even as he bragged about America being a “shining city upon a hill.”
What Reagan didn’t tell you was that the hill was a gated community.
And what people don’t know now is that this has played out over again and history is still undefeated.
Amazon billionaire Nick Haneuer has been running around screaming that the pitchforks are coming since his seminal article of that name in 2014.
What was happening in Hong Kong until the virus hit, what happened in South Central in 1992, what happened in America during the Red Summer of 1919 as white reople attacked ghettos and lost their damn minds until Spanish Flu came through like Black Death, is that people are people.
When they have nothing they have nothing to lose. That $1200 ain’t going to help anyone but the overlords as what used to be the middle class hand it right back to the landed and corporate class that lost their 401K twice in about ten years and devalued our currency to give half of it back.
All we need is a NEW DEAL man.
Just end Citizens United, forgive student loans and give tax credits to those that paid, at least expand Medicare to the working poor that can’t cover rent working 3 jobs so they just pick one which has incentives for employers to hire the best workers at 40 hours a week.
I was in a hot tub a few months back with a couple ☆ssholes at 24 Fitness making low 5 figures who pretended they were rich and told me billionaires were so much smarter than us. I told them both that they were bootlickers, that Trump was going to crash the whole economy and that the rich were for the most part actually pretty stupid. Basically mentally ill tacky hoarders.
The Medicis were both rich and smart. The Medicis will be remembered. They only had just north of a billion and they invested so much of their wealth into having a hands on role in single handily fostering The Italian f☆cking Renaissance.
They kept their heads. They gave us The Ninja Turtles. They had no more talent to work with than Seattle, Washington or any other mid-size city and they made their city, their art and their architecture, immortal.
They brought Italy closer to the echo of Roman glory than it will ever again reach. Something Fascism absolutely failed to do.
The heads of the billionaires who are exponentially richer and build ugly buildings and squeeze us so hard we have no time to make truly lasting art?
I cannot speak for the consciousness of their minds or the safety of men who gamble unwittingly with their own skull.
When I laughed at their inability to fathom Eisenhower’s 90% Republican tax rate, those dip sh☆ts in the hot tub at the gym stared daggers back at me and said, “we’ll see.”
I then predicted the inevitable crash. I said, “Yes, we’ll see. We’ll see what happens when that idiot is truly tested. We’ll see what what happens when the tax cuts explode the deficit. We shall see.”
Boy, was I wrong. We lost trillions in a bail out scheme that has yet to save this Ponzi scheme and the wrath of the tax cuts are still the next time bomb.
In the ranks of pirates, I was dealing with not even deck hands. They were jizz moppers and peg boys.
As poor as I allegedly am on a ledger, if we were dealing with men as wise as Medicis who would they want to invest in?
The devaluation of music in my time is directly connected to the death of the American Empire. If we are going to devalue the only thing we’ll be remembered for and foreigners can agree would be a shame if we were nuked our of existence, then so be it.
But after the pitchforks come the pikes.
And knowing what revolutions become, I hate em’. War of any kind is such a waste. Death is the only victor.
TRUTH BOMB: flag this…
♤ We live in a time period so sh☆t that as avatars instead of humans, the above painting Liberty Leading The People,” by Eugene Delacroix, would be flagged by Facebook community standards, as FB protects only the speech of Tyrants.
– Musician and writer Davin Michael Stedman has many ventures, such as the AMAZING blog, 100milesofmusic.com. Davin’s recent song has become a global earworm and Caribbean dancehall hit. Listen here on Reggaeville: DAVIN MICHAEL STEDMAN & ANTHONY RED ROSE – FREE YOUR MIND FEAT. SLY & ROBBIE WITH LENKY MARSDEN. The video is now available on Youtube: Tuff Gong Television. His single with British band Sherlock Soul is available here.