I have seen the homeless with laptops and smartphones. I have a homeless friend that depends on social media as an escape from his loneliness, as I imagine drugs must be.
But when I keep hearing people say they can just Zoom with their family and friends and to just stay home, those are middle class privileges for a group of people that don’t know the first boost has already dropped.
They ain’t ready. I am not saying I’m ready. I’m soft. But I know I’m soft. That’s how you know what it’s gonna’ take to be strong.
But those protesters in Trump’s Death Cult are going to lose their minds. How do I know? Because they already have.
But we’re all in this together like those little male chickens heading for the whirling blade so we can all be chicken nuggets.
Talk about your fear. Talk to people. Explain it. Understand it. Stop pretending that just thinking positive is a thing.
The Secret was around since the beginning. And it was blown apart by Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Darwin.
Thinking blithely positive without logic and critical thinking and the necessary touch of paranioa, is like trying to avoid a nervous break down, as one would avoid fire inside a ring of it.
I am so grateful I got to travel finally in my 30s, after spending my 20s as a struggling regional songwriter. But what about my 40s. I have hope. But uncritical positivity make for trash anthems. Unless you want to write children songs.
But there is something telling in that the only children songs and stories that we have ever known to last were dark, no positive. But guides to survival and a map of scars; echoes of plagues and a time before we made dogs our best friends as wolves, or maybe men we animorphed into wolves stalked the woods.
“Ring-a-round the rosie,
A pocket full of posies,
Ashes! Ashes!
We all fall down”
It’s not so quiet on the Western Front. This is what happens when a culture can no longer go West without drowning in the sea. Give the average American a map and they don’t know where they are. They say that if you don’t like it leave, but now more than anytime in our history, we have no where else to go. Not even for a couple of weeks.
We used to be able to at least see why we used to be #1. But now that we’re #1 with a bullet with this pandemic we were once great enough to hault, our passports are plastic and paper, worth less at the moment than what they are printed on.
I think about the choices people have to make and how long we can devalue our currency printing a trillion a day to save banks that refuse to save us.
You used to have free internet access…at libraries.
– Musician and writer Davin Michael Stedman has many ventures, such as the AMAZING blog, 100milesofmusic.com. Davin’s recent song has become a global earworm and Caribbean dancehall hit. Listen here on Reggaeville: DAVIN MICHAEL STEDMAN & ANTHONY RED ROSE – FREE YOUR MIND FEAT. SLY & ROBBIE WITH LENKY MARSDEN. The video is now available on Youtube: Tuff Gong Television. His single with British band Sherlock Soul is available here.