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“I’ll Bring You Home,” the latest song from Europe’s “Songbird of the Canaries,” the “Taylor Swift of Tenerife,” Luna Keller, is catchy and beautiful, deathless, and built to be felt and re-felt, sung and re-sung for decades to come. Please listen immediately and share, share, share…
Keller sings the song with her mother, Daniela Herzberg, and the title’s reference to “bring[ing] you home,” suggests the pride every mother must feel when bringing home their infant child for the first time. Keller says the song is “about love, but not just in a romantic way. It’s about caring about each other. I wrote it to remind my loved ones that I’m there for them and that they are not alone. I feel like especially in these times it’s important to stay connected to the ones we love.”
“I wrote the song a few years ago, and I’ve played it on many live gigs since then,” says Keller. “We started recording it alongside the rest of the EP in November of last year when we had Wolf Simon— an amazing drummer from Germany whom we’re fortunate to call a friend– in our studio to lay down drum tracks for the project. The pandemic and quarantine hit us in the middle of the recording process, but we’ve been working a lot in our home studio as a family. I consider the song a family and friends project. Just like most of my songs, to be honest. Without the wonderful support from them I wouldn’t be making music.”
“My dad (Roger Keller) played several instruments on ‘I’ll Bring You Home’ including the guitars, bass and keyboards,” Luna continues. “He also did the recording and editing in our home studio. And, just like on all my previous releases, Uli Pfannmüller, mixed the track. He’s an incredibly important part of my team. He gives us feedback in all production stages and his mixes are brilliant.”
Luna’s mother, Daniela Herzberg, is a big part of this song and Luna couldn’t be happier. My mother “has sung in amateur and church choirs,” says Luna, “and she also plays the piano. She’s very musical, just like the rest of the family. Without her I wouldn’t have learned how to sing from a young age. She often gives her feedback on my vocal tracks. I’m really grateful for her support.”
“I’ll Bring You Home“, is the first single from Luna Keller’s forthcoming EP Prophecies and Silver Linings.
https://lunakeller.com/ * https://www.facebook.com/lunakmusicofficial/
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