Timeless Morrisey-ish Art-Pop from the UK’s Lazerine – Images of Light/ I Will Go Where You Go

Images of Light

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I Will Go Where You Go

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A few years back, Dr Shines and Gene Lazerine sat down over another pint, discussing their latest musical ideas with which to impress their unaware public. They reviewed the great music they would have made if only they’d gotten around to it and found it conceptually most satisfying. The fact that nobody had heard it only added to the sense of having achieved something truly special. More drinks were ordered and further plans laid into the night.

A few years further on, even more excitement flowed as Dr Kraft walked into the very same pub in which their schemes continued to be pondered over and put some money in the juke box, selecting some 50s piano blues stuff. By this time, the other two’s concept had become so self-explanatory to themselves they felt no need to mention it to Dr Kraft, who in any case seemed to be a very busy man, almost as busy in a real sense as Shines and Lazerine were in their ceaseless fascinating musings.

One day, in common with his country, Mr Lazerine fell over and banged his head. When he got up he found that he no longer knew what year it was and, even stranger, that it didn’t matter. It was as if the unreality of what was developing all around him had connected with the unreality he had carried inside him till that point.

Nevertheless, though dazed and confused following a bizarre Christmas in Amsterdam, Mr Lazerine sat down for another drink with both doctors and mentioned that regardless of former walls already scaled, frontiers already crossed and mountains climbed, perhaps these two medicinal men might be interested in helping him taking matters from the conceptual stage to actually recording some songs.